
hee i thought only losers that can't make websites had lj's.

Posted by Sara at August 23, 2004 05:02 PM

uh huh right.

Posted by Sara at August 23, 2004 07:20 PM

No dude you will give funka g-mail.
1. you love her more then that guy up there
2. she is funny
3. you (yes you, no "not uhs") need to compensate for the fact that her computer is stuck on 16bit color with huge icons
4. she is better and deserves better mail then hotmail or any other regulgar old stinky E-mail, upgrade to G-mail time for funka
5. please?
6. she cares so much she'll E-mail you too

ps if you already gave them away i am mad at you for not thinking of me first!
pss what about my tattoo?!

Posted by funkathrusta likes making lists at August 26, 2004 03:52 PM

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