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January 01, 2004


woke up rested, got around slowly. went by drk's house and talked to him/picked up shawn's knife. went out to occidental and had some breaky @ howard's (v. good) we split biscuits n gravy, peach waffles and veggie eggs benedict.
left the party @ drk's house fairly early last night, and apparently, at the right moment as shit got weird. real weird. jenna's new camera was "misplaced" (finger quoteys) brooke got all fucked up :/ weird people were there that noone knew, bad stuff. watched master and commander today. had a lazy day and a slow headache. didnt really drink anythign last night, i think i slept funny. oh, happy new year

So, this is a little late, and my apologies for that (I was on a camping trip) but I heard about your G and wanted to send my condolences over the ether. Hope everything is going as good as it can go in the wake of such an event.


Posted by: Judah on January 3, 2004 12:34 AM

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