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December 18, 2003


went and saw rotk last night, 8p showing. went with ern. movie was good, havent had a lot of time to reflect on it yet. anything with the army of dead or the oliphaunts really turned my crank though. went to the bel afterwards. no line, no retarded belness. oh, except the loud and invasive drunk guy. im not sure what his deal was but he needed to go away. v tired today. got home around 4a.
work, busy busy. still futzing with accounting, doing other projects too. left @ noon, taking a half day to help dad visit gramma. went home and changed. thought about scooting up to SR to catch lunch with ern. guess who calls? ern. so i scoot up, and instead of going to lunch we go over to easy street and get my lobe<>conch orbitals completed. i put an order in for a 5/8" 8ga. ring for one ear, as the loops i had arent quite big enough for one ear.it looks good though, much cleaner than the conch + lobe as seperate pieces. she had to get back to work so we went to jo-jo sushi and ordered. i stopped in a talked with sick shawn for a minute. he looks like hell. shawn, you look like hell. went back to jo-jo, grabbed ern's togo and took it to her work (she works acrossed the street) then came back and ate all of my lunch. by that time i had to jet over and meet dad @ gramma's home.
i would have walked right by her, completely a different person. :( she's on the downward slope now they say. in fact, they warned us that she may go right there. it was really hard on dad. i pressed it down. man.
went out to bosses house to setup wifi cloud in his big old thick house. complete failure. the wap/router couldnt even produce useable signal on any channel for very far, certainly not through 3 stories. got done with that relatively early. went by parents house to talk and wait for ern to get done cooking dinner for her aunt/uncle. met up with her. as i was walking to meet her, saw shawn and sil. we all talked for a moment, then ern and i rented a movie and went back to my place. i watched my first movie on betty, woohoo!

lovely piercing. i want orbitals so bad. i just stretched to 2g last night, i'm obsessed with these cobalt blue glass plugs i have. hah well thats all, i stayed at an 8g for a while, that size is just nice, it looks good.

Posted by: ali on December 19, 2003 10:42 PM

Hey Eric,

What is Aut_1567? By that I mean what are you working on there? Its looks mighty interesting and I know it must be a mighty old project, but still tell me.

Also, did you ever/ are you ever going to get those sweaters printed up?
How are the things with the gal? hrmm hrm hrm

See you around,

Posted by: Carissa on December 21, 2003 10:40 PM

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