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May 24, 2004

May 19th-23rd

highlights include:
drawing. ern joining a marathon for leukemia/lymphoma research. dinner with folks. sis's's birthday (22). wot else. dinner with ern's fam. coffee in the sun. cat hairballs. cat keeping me awake. biking all over the place. grocery shopping. bunch of new video games. advance wars 2, top gear rally gba and chrono trigger/ff2 (ff chronicles). balanced out stereo correctly. watched movies. picked up clothes fromt eh cleaners. had jury duty, was on call, wasnt needed, duty fulfilled for period: ONE YEAR. got a new plotter @ work an hp designjet 500 42" 42" of photo quality lovin. can print up to 150ft long. oh and jesus the fish died. the cat poked a hole in him.

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