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July 11, 2004

woo woo bbq part two

woke up ass early. the sun was starting to come up, but i wasnt interested in getting up just yet. i laid there a while, until the urge to use the potty overcame my urge to use the sleeping bag. i quietly got up and around, and emerged from the tent slit to find derek and colleen and ryan already up. i stumbled my groggy self over to them for greets, then made my way potty-side. on the way back, colleen already had a cup of coffee waiting for me, so i took it and a washcloth back to the tent. after rousing the girl, we both came back out and set to the dry cereal and coffee. another community style meal was had, this time centered around 4 pounds of bacon, with people filtering out of their tents gradually.
the boat camp, which was seperate from our camp, came over to our beach and rallied for water skiiers not long after breakfast. i hadnt been water skiing in a long time so i quickly suited up and ern and i made for the beach. popping back up on skis was just like riding a bike. it felt so good to ski again and i didnt have any problems with a nice run after the one required crash. we had a boatful, 8, and 7 skiiers so we were out on the lake for a good long while. almost too long, actually. the camp needed to be cleared out by noon and we didnt hit shore till 11:30 or so. it didnt take much effort to break up camp with that many people, so we were able to all clear out just as other parties were descending on the prime camping spaces. since it was only noon and a perfect sunny day, we headed for the day use area of lake mendocino and set up camp underneath a big shady tree. eventually anarchy dave and jay muscled the pbr keg down from derek's $300 truck and someone else grabbed a cooler with other drinks. the $1 floatie toys were out in force. i think we had 8 of them going at once, so we formed a ncie little floatilla. i didnt get burned too bad yesterday and today but the tubing relaly wore my ass out. after 4 hours or so, we all were pretty sunned out so we started packing up to head back to santa rosa. the drive back didnt take very long at all. i had left my glasses in a pouch in our tent, so when we got home i expected to find a mangled bit of wire and lenses. surprisingly, my glasses were like new, despite being folded and crammed with the tent into the tiny nylon bag. ern and i drove the equipment back over to my parent's house and ended up staying for dinner. once we got home we watched "a happy surprise" then fell asleep early.

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