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July 29, 2004


shawn and i met up last night for old-school drawing + coffee. thinking about doing the progression thing again from little book. added links to the right for the taskpad album and the new red book (above) album
upgraded to MT-2.661 so i could use mt-blacklist. had a hell of a time googling up MT-2.661-upgrade.tar.gz but then i found it. installed mt-blacklist and de-spammed all of dm (in addition to cis)
ok redid my cellphone mt email thing:
if ($author && $author->email) {
my %head = ( To => $author->email,
From => $comment->email || $author->email,
Subject =>
'Dm Nw Cmnt');
my $charset = $app->{cfg}->PublishCharset || 'iso-8859-1';
$head{'Content-Type'} = qq(text/plain; charset="$charset");
my $body = $app->translate(
$app->translate('Nm:') . ' ' . $comment->author . "\n" .
$app->translate('Cmnts:') . $comment->text . "\n\n" .

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