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August 21, 2004


TOO MANY VIGEO DAMES. ugh. felt the need to read. DROVE to library (anticipating more books than bike) needed $11 to pay fines from 2001. walked over to bank/atm. wouldn't accept my card. walked to treehorn, browsed, didnt find no nothing to buy. and i wanted to, so i could support treehorn. walked to other bank, got money, walked to library to pay fine and rent books. forgot my library card. got that sorted out, went library shopping. got a stack of books. a lot on northern carolina/roanoke. grabbed all but one garcia marquez book. they didnt have love in the time of cholera though. walked books to car, talked to pete. home. made lunch and read and read. erny and i met derek, liz, sam, scott and kendra for drinks @ the bel. then we went home by way of jack-in-the-box. which, in hindsight wasnt the best thing to feed ern on top of liquor

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